Angle Bar
commonly known as angle iron, is a long steel with two sides perpendicular to each other. There are equal angle steel and unequal angle steel.The width of two sides of an equal angle steel is equal. The specification is expressed in mm of side width × side width × side thickness. Such as “∟ 30 × 30 × 3″, that is to say, equal angle steel with side width of 30mm and side thickness of 3mm. It can also be expressed by model. Eredua alboko zabaleraren zentimetroa da, adibidez ∟ 3 × 3. Ereduak ez ditu eredu bereko ertz lodiera desberdinen dimentsioak adierazten, beraz, ertzaren zabalera eta ertzaren lodierako neurriak angelu altzairuzko dimentsioak erabat beteta egongo dira the contract and other documents to avoid using the model alone. The specification of hot rolled equal leg angle steel is 2 × 3-20 × 3.
commonly known as angle iron, is a long steel with two sides perpendicular to each other. There are equal angle steel and unequal angle steel.The width of two sides of an equal angle steel is equal. The specification is expressed in mm of side width × side width × side thickness. Such as “∟ 30 × 30 × 3″, that is to say, equal angle steel with side width of 30mm and side thickness of 3mm. It can also be expressed by model. Eredua alboko zabaleraren zentimetroa da, adibidez ∟ 3 × 3. Ereduak ez ditu eredu bereko ertz lodiera desberdinen dimentsioak adierazten, beraz, ertzaren zabalera eta ertzaren lodierako neurriak angelu altzairuzko dimentsioak erabat beteta egongo dira the contract and other documents to avoid using the model alone. The specification of hot rolled equal leg angle steel is 2 × 3-20 × 3.
is a long steel with two sides perpendicular to each other. There are equal angle steel and unequal angle steel.The width of two sides of an equal angle steel is equal. The specification is expressed in mm of side width × side width × side thickness. Such as “∟ 30 × 30 × 3″, that is to say, equal angle steel with side width of 30mm and side thickness of 3mm. It can also be expressed by model. Eredua alboko zabaleraren zentimetroa da, adibidez ∟ 3 × 3. Ereduak ez ditu eredu bereko ertz lodiera desberdinen dimentsioak adierazten, beraz, ertzaren zabalera eta ertzaren lodierako neurriak angelu altzairuzko dimentsioak erabat beteta egongo dira the contract and other documents to avoid using the model alone. The specification of hot rolled equal leg angle steel is 2 × 3-20 × 3.
commonly known as angle iron, is a long steel with two sides perpendicular to each other. There are equal angle steel and unequal angle steel.The width of two sides of an equal angle steel is equal. The specification is expressed in mm of side width × side width × side thickness. Such as “∟ 30 × 30 × 3″, that is to say, equal angle steel with side width of 30mm and side thickness of 3mm. It can also be expressed by model. Eredua alboko zabaleraren zentimetroa da, adibidez ∟ 3 × 3. Ereduak ez ditu eredu bereko ertz lodiera desberdinen dimentsioak adierazten, beraz, ertzaren zabalera eta ertzaren lodierako neurriak angelu altzairuzko dimentsioak erabat beteta egongo dira the contract and other documents to avoid using the model alone. The specification of hot rolled equal leg angle steel is 2 × 3-20 × 3.