• IPE Europako Brida Zabaleko Habeak
  • DIN I-Forma Altzairua Karbono baxua HAB IPE IPN Q195 Q235 Q345B Perfil I Steel i Beam

    DIN I-Forma Altzairua Karbono baxua HAB IPE IPN Q195 Q235 Q345B Perfil I Steel i Beam

    The IPN beam, also known as an IPE beam, is a type of European standard I-beam with a specifically designed cross-section that includes parallel flanges and a slope on the inner flange surfaces. These beams are commonly used in construction and structural engineering for their strength and versatility in providing support for various structures such as buildings, bridges, and industrial facilities. Kargatzeko ahalmen handia dute eta askotariko aplikazioetan oso erabilgarriak dira beren errendimendu fidagarria dela eta.

  • Europako estandar Ipad IPN izpia 100 mm 20mm S235JR A36 S275JR SS400 I habe

    Europako estandar Ipad IPN izpia 100 mm 20mm S235JR A36 S275JR SS400 I habe

    The IPN beam, also known as an IPE beam, is a type of European standard I-beam with a specifically designed cross-section that includes parallel flanges and a slope on the inner flange surfaces. These beams are commonly used in construction and structural engineering for their strength and versatility in providing support for various structures such as buildings, bridges, and industrial facilities. Kargatzeko ahalmen handia dute eta askotariko aplikazioetan oso erabilgarriak dira beren errendimendu fidagarria dela eta.

  • En i-formako altzairua I-habe astunen gurutze-lagunak kamioirako

    En i-formako altzairua I-habe astunen gurutze-lagunak kamioirako

    ENi-Shaped Steel also known as an IPE beam, is a type of European standard I-beam with a specifically designed cross-section that includes parallel flanges and a slope on the inner flange surfaces. These beams are commonly used in construction and structural engineering for their strength and versatility in providing support for various structures such as buildings, bridges, and industrial facilities. Kargatzeko ahalmen handia dute eta askotariko aplikazioetan oso erabilgarriak dira beren errendimendu fidagarria dela eta.