Altzairu galbanizatutako laguntza kanalakare commonly used to support, frame and secure a variety of construction and industrial components. These channels are made from galvanized steel and are coated with a layer of zinc to prevent corrosion and enhance durability. Post kanalak zirrikituekin eta zuloekin diseinatuta daude, finkagailuak eta osagarriak erraz eransteko, instalazio malguak eta pertsonalizagarriak ahalbidetuz. They are widely used in electrical, mechanical and structural applications to support conduits, pipes, cables and other equipment. Estaldura galbanizatuak babes osagarria eskaintzen du ingurumen baldintza gogorren aurka, zutabe-kanal horiek egokiak direnak, bai barruko zein kanpoko erabilerarako.
Altzairu galbanizatu beroaSlotted Support Channel instalazio arkitektoniko, elektriko eta mekanikoetan erabilitako laguntza sistema da. It is made of steel that has been hot-dip galvanized for corrosion resistance. The slotted design allows for easy attachment of various components such as pipes, conduits and cable trays using bolts and nuts. This type of post channel is commonly used in industrial and commercial settings for framing, equipment installation, and to create support structures. Hot-dip galvanized coating provides durability and rust protection, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.
Altzairu galbanizatu beroaSlotted Support Channel instalazio arkitektoniko, elektriko eta mekanikoetan erabilitako laguntza sistema da. It is made of steel that has been hot-dip galvanized for corrosion resistance. The slotted design allows for easy attachment of various components such as pipes, conduits and cable trays using bolts and nuts. This type of post channel is commonly used in industrial and commercial settings for framing, equipment installation, and to create support structures. Hot-dip galvanized coating provides durability and rust protection, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.